3G Center

The 3G Center (GUT, GRAIN & GREENS) - Center for Gut Microbiota, Metabolic disorders, and Grain/Fibre-based Diets
The Consortium consists of 7 partners as well as two companies.
Additionally, there are 5 affiliated partners.

Browse the related publications from 3G Center.

3G Center is funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark (formerly the Danish Council for Strategic Research (Det Strategiske Forskningsråd)).

3G - Gut, Grain & Greens

The Research Center is a 5-year project (with one-year extension) starting 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2018.

Our hypothesis is that the interplay between human host genome expression and gut microbiota (GM) affects the development of chronic metabolic disorders, and that interventions targeting the microbiome and mucosa can therefore reduce the risk of developing metabolic dysfunctions such as obesity, Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). 

BNF Drummond Early Career Scientist Award to Henrik...

British Nutrition Foundation Drummond Early Career Scientist Award was given to Henrik Roager Munch.

Henrik conducted his PhD under the 3G Center. He is now a postdoc at the Department for Sport and Nutrition, University of Copenhagen.

Innovation Prize 2018 awarded to 3G-affiliated industrial PhD

Randi Lundberg was awarded the Innovation Prize Industrial Researcher of the Year 2018 for her project about control of microbiota in animal models.

Randi was an industrial PhD affiliated to the 3G Center through her work work at Taconic.

Randi Lundberg's primary supervisor was Axel Jacob Kornerup Hansen of University of Copenhagen (3G WP leader) and secondary supervisor was Tine Rask Licht of Technical University of Denmark (3G Coordinator). 

22 OCTOBER 2024