International Advisory Board of the GUT, GRAIN & GREENS (3G) Center:
Prof. Jeroen Raes, PhD
Bioinformatics and (eco-)systems biology,Department of Molecular and Cellular Interactions,VIB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2,
1050 Brussels, Belgium,, Phone: +32 (0)2 629 13 41,
Prof. Kaisa Poutanen
Joint Research Professor of VTT and University of Kuopio, Cereal technology, Food bioprocessing, Dietary fibre, Foods and health, Nutritegnomics
VTT, Espoo, Telephone: +358 20 722 5192, E-mail:
Prof. Dr. M. Michiel Kleerebezem
Wageningen University (Laboratory of Microbiology, Dreijenplein 10, 6703 GH, Wageningen, The Netherlands).
and Principal Scientist NIZO food research BV,
Direktør, Prof. Peter Olesen,
ActiFoods ApS, Københavnsvej 30, 3400 Hillerød, Tel +45 22495210,